Podcast Cleanup
One of my New Year’s resolutions was to rationalize the podcasts I listen to. There seemed to be some that the amount of time I was investing in them was greater than the enjoyment and value I was receiving. It was time to cull them.
The life cycle of podcasts seems to be very similar to that of businesses. Both have very many that start with good ideas. Often if they do not catch on quickly, they are without sufficient resources (money/energy) and fall by the wayside. If successful, they often have to redirect their resources to capitalizing on their market. Once established, they resort to formulae and avoid risk. As with business if they do not re-invent themselves every few years, they will become stale and be usurped by competitors. In addition, customers also change and potentially outgrow their suppliers.
Since I have listened to a number of photo centric podcasts for a number of years, I will discuss and evaluate a number of them in the coming entries.