A couple of my BIG works

(from the Montreal West local paper - the informer)

Artists’ Showcase

Water is the theme of the current Montreal West Artists’ Showcase. Print-maker Annette Wolfstein-Joseph’s interpretation of the subject includes boats, sails, seagulls and spray. Prolific photographer Alex Brzezinski is participating in the show and Janice Hamilton has contributed photos taken on the rocky coast of Maine. In the display case is a collection of Sheila Caplan’s Judaica pottery, including a hand washing cup, pitcher/bowl for Seder and Miriam's cup. Gaby Orbach’s delightful polymer clay jewellery and fish finger puppets by Janet King can also be seen. The exhibit will remain on view in the Music Room, upstairs Assembly Hall and display cabinet until the spring.

The paper didn't have my picture, but I thought I'd show some of my work there.