Week Two of Experiment

My blog this week is being populated with the discoveries I have been making going through the 25,000 images that I had never bothered to keyword. So far I have gone through about three thousand and most likely will give up soon. I used to compare photographs to golf shots, as I was so surprised how golfers seem to remember their shots from years ago, as do photographers. But, I see there are many photos I don’t remember taking.


With this new system I decided that I need also to make sure I post at least one image a week on Instagram and this week I chose one from a series I made playing around with tulip petals on our kitchen table that had been painted by my artist sister-in-law Andrea Blanar. Here is a sample of the series


and lastly I put up another collage book onto my Adobe Publish Online Site

The project combines images from The Great American Pin-Up book and places them within The Art of Muscle and contrasts the artificial body shapes created either by the pen or by steroids, posing the question “Which is more real?”