Status Update Month of August

Living with a full plate, I have once again let updating my website falter. A lot of the individual tabs get updated automatically , but one may not see that when landing here. So another stab at a synopsis.

The big event so far is August 13th blog post of my 100th slide show updated to what I am calling 2.0

The big event so far is August 13th blog post of my 100th slide show updated to what I am calling 2.0

For my Camera Club I am working on a short presentation to be given in September on photographing in the suburbs - and using my trusty stock of couch images to illustrate how wherever you are is the best place to photograph

For my Camera Club I am working on a short presentation to be given in September on photographing in the suburbs - and using my trusty stock of couch images to illustrate how wherever you are is the best place to photograph

without any travel lately, my daily blog has been a hodge podge of my walks in the country, to my local thrift shop, some other walks down memory lane and other local sightings. I call this image “Lying down on the job”

in my collage work I am adding the images of Hungarian costumes into a local photographer’s book

in my collage work I am adding the images of Hungarian costumes into a local photographer’s book